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Things to consider while buying a water storage tank

Drinking water is a basic need for humans, and it is mostly stored in a water tank. So, before choosing a water storage tank for your home, you must be completely informed about them.

There are a variety of sizes like 1000l Water tanks, 1500l water tanks and etc. It also comes in various shapes, materials, strengths, and durability.

Plastic tanks can be used to store water as they are made of food-grade polyethene and protected by ultraviolet (UV) filters. These tanks are lighter, less expensive, and simpler to install as compared to steel or concrete tanks. They are, therefore, perfect for storing water.

While plastic tanks are best for storing water, here are things you should consider before purchasing a storage tank:


The durability of a water tank is a crucial factor to take into account. The water tank must be solid and powerful to endure temperature variations, weather changes, and threats from other living creatures.

The tank's material ought to be a particular linear polyethene with a particular density. It guarantees strong strength, can withstand current risks like temperature changes and can also prevent leaks.

In order to keep dust and other contaminants from polluting the water, the water tank's cover is equally crucial.


The size of the water tank is important when it comes to water storage. It all depends on how many people use water for all of their everyday needs, including drinking, cooking and cleaning.

One hundred thirty-five litres are required for daily consumption per person per day, according to the Indian Standard code. This means that 650 litres of water are needed daily for a typical family of four.

A 1000l Water tanks plastic water tank will therefore be adequate for a household of four. On the other hand, huge housing complexes and apartment buildings where hundreds of people reside should choose larger plastic water tanks.


The water pressure depends on whether the tank is located at the bottom or top of a building. Typically, overhead tanks are purchased to meet daily water needs.

On the other hand, tanks that are kept underground or at ground level enable the storage of emergency water use.


1000l Water tanks are available in square, cylindrical, rectangular, and spherical designs. You are free to select any tank you like, but for the ideal decision, you should take into account the available space.

Tanks that are rectangular or square can fit in corners. Cylindrical tanks, on the other hand, work best for large spaces.

Bottom Line

All the above factors should be considered while purchasing 1000l Water tanks. You should also consider the climatic condition, colour and price before buying a water tank.

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